---+++ Syntax definition The syntax definition can be browsed online: * [[%DOCDIST%/php-front-syn-docs-stable-latest/docs/html/languages/php/version4/Main.sdf.html][PHP4 syntax definition]] * [[%DOCDIST%/php-front-syn-docs-stable-latest/docs/html/languages/php/version5/Main.sdf.html][PHP5 syntax definition]] The syntax definition of the PHP versions identify which constructs there are and which productions are allowed. ---+++ API documentation The PHP-front library contains many useful strategies, there is documentation for most of the strategies: * [[%DOCDIST%/php-front-lib-docs-stable-latest/docs/][API documentation]] ---+++ Pretty printer A short explanation of the rules for the pretty printer can be found here: * PrettyPrintRules ---+++ Projects based on PHP-front These two guides should help you with starting your own project based on PHP-Front: * TheEmptyModule * TheExampleProject ---+++ Development If you want to extend/adapt/improve PHP-front, please look at the [[GenericDevelopmentInstructions][generic development instructions]] in order to set up your workbench.