* [[GpceDemo3][GPCE Demonstration 23]] *Implementation of DSLs using staged interpreters in MetaOCaml*
_Kedar Swadi_, Rice University
* Tue, 26 Oct., 15.30 - 16.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 4
* Thu, 28 Oct., 12.30 - 13.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 4
* [[GpceDemo2][GPCE Demonstration 24]] *MetaEdit+: Domain-Specific Modeling for Full Code Generation Demonstrated*
_Juha-Pekka Tolvanen_, MetaCase
* Tue, 26 Oct., 16.30 - 17.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 4
* Wed, 27 Oct., 12.30 - 13.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 4
* [[GpceDemo1][GPCE Demonstration 22]] *Towards Domain-Driven Development: the SmartTools Software Factory*
_Didier Parigot_, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
* Tue, 26 Oct., 10.30 - 11.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 4
* Thu, 28 Oct., 11.30 - 12.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 4
* [[GpceDemo4][GPCE Demonstration 21]] *Xirc: Cross-Artifact Information Retrieval*
_Michael Eichberg_, Darmstadt University of Technology
_Thorsten Schaefer_, Darmstadt University of Technology
* Wed, 27 Oct., 10.30 - 11.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 4
* Thu, 28 Oct., 10.30 - 11.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 4
* [[GpceDemo5][GPCE/OOPSLA Demonstration 15]] *C-SAW and GenAWeave: A Two-Level Aspect Weaving Toolsuite*
_Jeff Gray_, University of Alabama at Birmingham
_Ira Baxter_, Semantic Designs
_Jing Zhang_, University of Alabama at Birmingham
_Suman Roychoudhury_, University of Alabama at Birmingham
* Tue, 26 Oct., 11.30 - 12.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 2
* Thu, 28 Oct., 12.30 - 13.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 3
* [[GpceDemo7][GPCE/OOPSLA Demonstration 16]] *The Concern Manipulation Environment*
_Peri Tarr_, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
_Matthew Chapman_, IBM Hursley Park
_William Chung_, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
_Andy Clement_, IBM Hursley Park
* Wed, 27 Oct., 15.30 - 16.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 4
* Thu, 28 Oct., 10.30 - 11.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 3
* [[GpceDemo6][GPCE/OOPSLA Demonstration 14]] *Program Transformations for Re-Engineering C++ Components*
_Ira Baxter_, Semantic Designs
_Larry Akers_, Semantic Designs
_Michael Mehlich_, Semantic Designs
* Wed, 27 Oct., 15.30 - 16.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 3
* Thu, 28 Oct., 11.30 - 12.15, Exhibition Hall Demo Room 2
---++ OOPSLA Demonstrations
The OOPSLA and GPCE demonstrations are tightly integrated with each other and open to attendants from both conferences. The full list of demonstrations can be found on the [[http://www.oopsla.org/2004/ShowEvent.do?id=demos][OOPSLA Demonstrations Page]]. The 7 GPCE demonstrations listed above are directly applicable to the GPCE public and have the suffix [GPCE] or [OOPSLA/GPCE] in their titles. However, there are a number of _OOPSLA only_ demonstrations that might be of interest to the GPCE audience as well. Check out the [[http://www.oopsla.org/2004/ShowEvent.do?id=demos][OOPSLA Demonstrations Page]] for details.