I(Ghica) would like to make some remarks about splitting fuut into various jars, considering dependency management. Maybe we can talk about it tonight.

A candidate to put into a separate jar is the org.eclipse.gmt.fuut.common package. This is exactly the code that needs to be included in the classpath for all generated applications (including fuut itself).

What is exactly the functionality there? Is it possible to generate code which doesn't use this common package -- MarkKofman

(Ghica) The functionality of the common package is used by the current code generation templates. For example, it contains some Swing classes and the generic XML parser. If you write your own templates, you may avoid using the common package. It is a difficult question how much code you should provide with generated code. My first version of Fuutje had a whole framework from which the generated code inherited. The disadvantage is, that it is much more difficult to make changes to the code generation and to keep versions separate. The next version had no common code at all. It turned out that this resulted in a lot of duplication, and if you wanted to change something in code that is actually commmon, you have to re-generate all applications. So the common package contains what has proven to be actually common.

Similar for the org.eclipse.gmt.fuut.generator package. You will need it in addition to common if you are using code generation in your generated application.

Isn't it too specific case to deal with that? I guess the probability that you want to use fuut generator in you generated application is quite low. -- MarkKofman

(Ghica) At contrary. A common scenario for a model-driven application would be to first develop a (meta)model that constitutes your DSL. You can then generate an application from this (meta)model. For example the component model that Jorn made. Your action application would be modeled using the DSL and the final application is generated from the generated DSL application. In Fuutje you can use now either it's intrinsic templates that are suitable for Fuutjes own tool model or something close to it. For generated applications it is better to use VElocity templates to further generate code. Another common application for using generation in a (generated) application is for example to renerate reports or html. Velocity was specifically designed as an alternative to XSLT (XSLT is just another, rather difficult template language).

Another thing to think about is, whether we should split the packages differently. For example, if you would not want to generate code using Velocity, The easiest thing to do would be to remove org.eclipse.gmt.fuut.action.FtGenVelocity from the list in the .ini file. As a result, you would not see it, but the code is still there. Since the space it takes is peanuts it is not problem. From a dependency management point of view it would maybe be better to move FtGenVelocity? to the org.eclipse.gmt.fuut.velocity package.

Rearranging packages differently sound good. But in this case we should proper design before. Doing it in refactorign style would take a lot of time -- MarkKofman

Eclipse has some good facilities for rearranging modules and packages. Almost everything is automatic. Of course you do not change functionality this way, but it can be very effective to get the dependencies between packages right.

We should be very careful to not create too many jars. In my previous job the final project had a classpath of some 50 items, and I went totally nuts from it, therefore I repackaged fuutje again into one jar instead of the original 3. It is nice to re-use open or other source from many places in a project, managing the classpath can become a real nightmare and a source of very difficult to spot bugs.

Are you worried about FUUTje own classpath or FUUTje generated applications classpath? If first, then one idea is using Maven? If second, I agree. I would say more: why should generated application be dependent on FUUT jars at all? Only dependency should be generation time, when you use FUUTje. -- MarkKofman

(Ghica) I am talking about the classpath for generated applications and the enveroment where they run in. -- GhicaVanEmdeBoas

-- MarkKofman - 28 Jun 2004

Revision: r1.2 - 28 Jun 2004 - 19:07 - GhicaVanEmdeBoas
Gmt > FuutjeTemplateEngine > FuutDependencies
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