First International Workshop on
Bidirectional Transformations (BX 2012)

Sun, March 25, 2012
Tallinn, Estonia
co-located with ETAPS 2012

BX logo @   ETAPS logo

Bidirectional transformations (bx) are a mechanism for maintaining the consistency of at least two related sources of information. Such sources can be databases, software models, documents, graphs, and trees. BX are an emerging topic in a wide range of research areas with prominent presence at top conferences in different fields. The workshop BX'12 now establishes a dedicated venue for bx in all relevant areas. The methodologies used for bx range from classical program transformation to graph transformation techniques, from ad-hoc techniques for data synchronization to the development of domain-specific languages and their integration. We also solicit papers on model/metamodel co-evolution, which is a different yet closely related subject.

Aims and Topics

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers, established and new, interested in bidirectional transformations from different perspectives, such as: language-based approaches, software/model transformations, and data/schema co-evolution.

Topics of interest for BX'12 include, but are not limited to:

  • (coupled) software/model transformations
  • software-model synchronization
  • data-schema co-evolution and data synchronization
  • consistency analysis
  • language-based approaches
  • analysis/classification of requirements for bx technologies
  • case studies and tool support
  • comparison of bx technologies
  • efficiency of algorithms and benchmarks

Regular submissions (11-15 pages) can be:

  • research papers providing new concepts and results
  • position papers and research perspectives
  • papers that apply bx in new domains
  • papers closing gaps between formal concepts and application scenarios

We also welcome submissions of short papers as well as abstracts for lightning talks.


Accepted regular papers will appear as a volume of EC-EASST. A preliminary version of the proceedings, including the short papers and lightning talk abstracts as well, will be available at the workshop.

Authors of short papers may be invited to extend their contribution to a full paper for inclusion in the formal proceedings.

Submissions can use LNCS or EC-EASST style. See the submission guidelines for details.

Follow this link for the complete Call for Papers. There is also a more compact PDF version.

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