Searched: Software *Engineering[^A-Za-z]
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Homepage: Conference on Automated Software Engineering Deadline: June Conference: November Description (from the call for papers ...
Automated Software Engineering CategoryJournal
Location: CWI, Amsterdam Date: Thu 19 Fri 20 June, 2003 Sponsors: Partially financed by Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap "Fundamenten van software-evolutie ...
BENEVOL 2003 Location: CWI, Amsterdam Date: Thu 19 Fri 20 June, 2003 Sponsors: Partially financed by Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap "Fundamenten van software ...
Bernd Bruegge and Allen H. Dutoit Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Conquering complex and changing systems Prentice-Hall, 2000. A textbook on software engineering ...
IEEE-CS/ACM Computing Curricula: Software Engineering. Part of the IEEE/ACM Computer Curriculum activity, aimed at developing the software engineering volume. Computer ...
Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training 2002: Submission deadline: September Conference: February CategoryConference ... CAST is a software company committed to simplifying the complexity of software engineering through Application Mining solutions. CategoryCompany ...
ConceptAnalysis is a mathematical approach to building taxonomies. Given a set of objects, a set of attributes, and a feature table telling which object has which ...
Several papers covering DSL design issues such as DomainEngineering are discussed in the DSLAnnotatedBibliography. This page contains several DSLBibliographyAdditions ...
A number of example DSLs are discussed in the DSLAnnotatedBibliography. This page contains several DSLBibliographyAdditions, presenting example DomainSpecificLanguages ...
Collections of tools used for ArchitectureExtraction. Pointers: extraction.html Rick Kazman, S. Jeromy Carrière, Playing Detective: ...
Contact Arne de Bruijn Martin Bravenboer Presentation Slides for part 1: Introduction to reverse engineering ... Desquirr is a decompiler plugin for IDA Pro. It is written by Eriksson as part of a Master Thesis in Software Engineering. It ...
The Draco system was the first to pioneer with DomainSpecificLanguages employing ProgramTransformation for their implementation. The system featured parser and pretty ...
Conferences / Workshops / Journals / Special Issues devoted to DomainSpecificLanguages. (Listed in reverse chronological ordering of the submission date) Workshop ...
Standards IEEE Std. 610.12 Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology , 1990 IEEE Std. 1219 Standard for Software Maintenance , 1998 ISO/IEC 14764 Software ...
Exchange Format Bibliography by HolgerKienle, JoergCzeranski and ThomasEisenbarth This paper gives a bibliographical overview and a classification of ExchangeFormats ...
ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of SoftwareEngineering. Submissions: March Conference: September 2001: 2002: ...
The Father of Decompilation ATTACHURL /maury.jpg \ ATTACHURL /maurysig.jpg Permission Requested. IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering. \ Figure courtesy of Bill ...
GCSE`01 Feature Modeling Workshop Motivation and Goals The concept of features is becoming more and more popular in different areas of SoftwareEngineering, such as ...
Feature-Oriented DomainAnalysis (FODA). FODA is one of the first DomainEngineering methods. It was developed at the SEI in the early 1990s. It has introduced the FeatureModel ...
Homepage Conference on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering Deadline: May Conference: September Description (from the conference ...
Homepage: The ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'02) A ...
This page list people that are or have been active in the field of Generative Programming. For each person, a brief characterisation of his/her GP activities is given ...
Here are some definitions of generative programming. 1 The goal of generative programming is to replace manual search, adaptation, and assembly of components with ...
History of Decompilation (1980-1999) See also On the Inverse of Compiling, April 1980. #TopicZebra Zebra, 1981 The Zebra prototype was developed at the Naval Underwater ...
International Conference on Software Engineering. Submission: August Conference: May See: ...
International Symposium on SoftwareTesting and Analysis Every two years. Call for papers: February Conference: July Proceedings: ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes ...
Identifying Objects using Cluster and Concept Analysis ArieVanDeursen and TobiasKuipers. In 21st International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE-99, 1999, ...
Transformation system for the Java programming language. Program transformation is a powerful technique for supporting software engineering activities: refactoring ...
Model refactoring is the equivalent of ProgramRefactoring at model level. Instead of refactoring programs, models are being refactored. Model refactoring is a special ...
Definition Program transformation is the act of changing one program into another. The term program transformation is also used for a program, or any other description ...
7. SUMMARY A decompiler model has been described which was implemented and which achieved a relatively high figure of merit. There are, however, many fundamental ...
ProgramAnalysis is the (automated) inspection of a program to infer some property. Program analysis is needed for most kinds of ProgramTransformation and can range ...
Definition Refactoring is typically applied at the level of programs (i.e., source code). A program refactoring is a program transformation that improves the design ...
(See also ModelTransformation ) A Definition A program is a structured object with semantics. The structure allows us to transform a program. The semantics gives us ...
The UVicReverseEngineeringTutorial defines program understanding as The task of building mental models of the underlying software at various abstraction levels, ranging ...
An on line bibliography on ReEngineering compiled by RainerKoschke is available via You can ...
In 1990, ElliotChikofsky and JamesCross published Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery: A Taxonomy , IEEE Software 7(1):13-17, 1990. http://doi.ieeecomputersociety ...
Reverse Engineering: A Roadmap HausiMueller, JensJahnke, Dennis Smith, PeggyStorey, Scott Tilley, and KennyWong In A, Finkelstein (ed.) The Future of Software Engineering ...
The following systems are built on top of Rigi: BauHaus Atomic Architectural Component Recovery for Program Understanding and Evolution, Rainer Koschke. Dissertation ...
Risla is a DomainSpecificLanguage for interest rate products. It is an abbrevation for Rente Informatie Systeem Language. It's development started in the early 1990 ...
Name of the workshop on Rule Based Programming (RULE) Associated with PPDP The goals of the workshop The rule-based programming paradigm is characterized by the repeated ...
Software Engineering Institute Topics: SoftwareArchitecture SoftwareProductLines SoftwareProcess
International Confernce on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering The conference aims at bringing together experts in knowledge engineering and knowledge ...
ACM Special Interest Group on SoftwareEngineering. See
Software Engineering Body of Knowledge. The software engineering body of knowledge is an all-inclusive term that describes the sum of knowledge within the profession ...
A survey of software architecture is provided by David Garlan, in SoftwareArchitectureARoadMap. Garlan loosely defines architecture as a software system's gross organization ...
Software Architecture: a Roadmap David Garlan In A, Finkelstein (ed.) The Future of Software Engineering , ACM Press, 2000. (event colocated with ICSE 2000). Roadmap ...
Applications of ProgramTransformation in software engineering ProgramSynthesis ProgramCalculation ReuseByTransformation MaintenanceByTransformation ProgramMigration ...
If you are looking for more up to date information on Software Evolution, please visit Definitions The Research Institute in Software ...
ICGT 2002 Workshop on Software Evolution Through Transformations (SET 2002) Towards uniform support throughout the software life-cycle Transformations of artefacts ...
Software Maintenance And Evolution: A Roadmap By KeithBennett and VaclavRajlich. In A Finkelstein (ed.) The Future of Software Engineering , ACM Press, 2000. (event ...
Chapter 5 of the SWEBOK guide defines testing as follows: Software testing consists of the dynamic verification of the behavior of a program on a finite set of test ...
The software visualization 1 group at GeorgiaTech describes software visualization as: the use of computer graphics and animation to help illustrate and present computer ...
Stephen F. Heffner entered the computer field in 1963 as a Customer Engineer for IBM. He has been involved in systems analysis, design, and programming since 1964 ...
Software Architecture Recovery and Modelling WCRE 2001 Discussion Forum Stuttgart, 2 October, 2001 Software architecture recovery aims at presenting existing software ...
Software Architecture Recovery and Modelling WCRE 2001 Discussion Forum Stuttgart, 2 October, 2001 SwarmForum Call for Participation Software architecture recovery ...
IEEE Technical Council on Software Engineering. See
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) CategoryJournal
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering CategoryJournal
TXL: Tree Transformation Language Homepage: The TreeRewriting language TXL (developed by JamesCordy at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada) ...
What should a course on SoftwareEvolution cover? The CCSE initiative has recognized software evolution as a separate knowledge area . The second draft of this initiative ...
From : evaluation is a transformation that automates a specialization process. Tempo is a partial evaluator for ...
ProgramTransformation techniques are used in a many areas of SoftwareEngineering ranging from ProgramSynthesis, via ProgramOptimization and ProgramRefactoring, to ...
-- Main.TomMens 08 August 2004 Tom Mens lectures at the University of Mons-Hainaut, where he directs the Software Engineering Laboratory since October 2003. Until ...
Application Areas Compiling ProgramTranslation ProgramOptimization SoftwareEngineering ProgramRefinement SoftwareMaintenance ReverseEngineering HighPerformanceComputing ...
Conferences and Workshops on Program Transformation Transform-based Events Events with their home page on this wiki. Feel free to use this wiki to host the webpage ...
Journals with an interest in ProgramTransformation ACM AppliedComputingReview ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems ( ACM Transactions on Software ...
There are many tools for editing UML diagrams. I conducted a little comparison to find a good tool to use in a software engineering course in the Spring of 2000. This ...
Working Conference on ReverseEngineering Submission: May (varies slightly) Conference: October (varies slightly) Pointers Upcoming conference web site: http://swerl ...
INCLUDE{WebNews} transformation techniques are used in a many areas of engineering ranging from synthesis, via optimization and refactoring, to engineering and generation ...
The design and evaluation of appropriate SoftwareArchitectures is key to the effective development, management, evolution, and reuse of software systems. However, ...

Number of topics: 74