Searched: Bib *Te *X[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
E. Visser. A Survey of Strategies in Rule-Based Program Transformation Systems. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 40(1):831--873, 2005. Special issue on Reduction Strategies ...
BibTeX is a DataFormat for bibliographical information that is used in conjunction with LaTeX. The Stratego.BibtexTools package provides a syntax definition for BibTeX ...
A DataFormat is a formal language for the representation of information. Unlike ProgrammingLanguages, DataFormats don't specify computations. Examples of data formats ...
Here is a list of programming languages and DataFormats that could be subject of ProgramTransformation BETA BibTeX CAML CProgrammingLanguage CleanLanguage COBOL CPP ...
Ralf Lämmel and Eelco Visser and Joost Visser. Strategic Programming Meets Adaptive Programming . In Proceedings of Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD'03) ...
Laemmel, Visser and Visser. The Essence Of Strategic Programming . Draft paper (October 15, 2002) (pdf,ps) Abstract programming is generic programming with the use ...

Number of topics: 6