Searched: Rigi *Releases[^A-Za-z]
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htmlrsf is a command line program that is part of the RigiSystem. If your Rigi environment is setup, docu is located at $RIGI/doc/rigiutils/htmlrsf.html executable ...
The Rigi C parser, cparse , is no longer supported. However, you can still download cparse package; see RigiReleases. Kostas Kontogiannis has kindly written down his ...
Information if you are new to Rigi: Purpose Rigi is a ReverseEngineering environment. It consists of a set of tools: parsers, command-line utilities, and an interactive ...
ReverseEngineering system to extract, navigate, analyze and document the static structure of large software systems. The topics ...
sortrsf is a command line program that is part of the RigiSystem. If your Rigi environment is setup: documentation is located at $RIGI/doc/rigiutils/sortrsf.html ...

Number of topics: 5