Searched: Parse *Tree[^A-Za-z]
Results from Sdf web

Description SGLR, Scannerless Generalized LR Parser, is an implementation of Tomita's LR algorithm with extensions for scannerless parsing. The SGLR package contains ...

Language Version Available in View online ASF SDF Library browse AsFix SDF Library browse AspectJ 5.0 AspectJ-front browse ATerm SDF Library browse Bibtex Bibtex ...

Number of topics: 2
Results from SdfBackup? web
Description SGLR, Scannerless Generalized LR Parser, is an implementation of Tomita's LR algorithm with extensions for scannerless parsing. The SGLR package contains ...
Language Version Available in View online ASF SDF Library 1.0 browse AsFix SDF Library 1.0 browse AspectJ 5.0 AspectJ-front browse ATerm SDF Library 1.0 browse Bibtex ...

Number of topics: 2
Results from Stratego web
Description An abstract syntax tree is a tree representation of a source program. It abstracts more from the source program than a parse tree. Usually it doesn't ...
under construction Main.EelcoVisser 16 May 2003 A full fledged Stratego application does more than transform an ATerm into another ATerm. To transform programs ...
Release Notes Stratego/XT Version 0.17 Bug STR-248 implode-asfix: support AsFix2ME constructs STR-263 Extend ArgOption with default value argument STR-283 pp ...
Stratego/XT is the combination of the language for strategic programming with the XT bundle of transformation tools. XT XT is a bundle of transformation tools that ...

Number of topics: 4
Results from Sts web
Parsing refers to one of a number of methods for modifying a grammar or parser in such a way as to allow for parsing to continue in the presence of parts of the input ...
STS'06: Software Transformation Systems Workshop part of the Fifth international conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'06) October ...
TXL solution for Chairmarks #1: A parser for the Imperative Language (TIL) implemented in TXL. This is the entire solution, run using the command "txl program.til ...

Number of topics: 3
Results from Tiger web
There are a bunch of test cases in the xmpl subdirectory of the TigerXmpl package. After you have built the TigerCompiler or just some of its CompilerPackages, you ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from Tools web
Summary addPosInfo adds position information to an AsFix2ME parse tree. Example The following syntax definition defines a tiny language of assignments and expressions ...
Name ambtracker display the productions in a parse tree causing ambiguities Description Compared to visamb ambtracker offers an alternative visualization of ambiguities ...
Description AsFix (ASF+SDF fixed format) is a format for representing parse trees in the ATerm format. Currently two versions of AsFix are in used: AsFix2ME and AsFix2 ...
asfix-tools is a collection of tools for the AsFix (ASF Fixed) format. The AsFix format is a format for representing a parse tree. Sdf.SGLR outputs its result in the ...
asfix-yield is an asfix-tool that transforms parse trees in the AsFix format to the flat text the parse tree represents.
Task Given a grammar and a parse tree obtained by parsing a term over this grammar, construct a subgrammar that still parses the same term. Description Given a grammar ...
Task How to obtain abstract syntax trees Description Given a concrete term over some language L, an abstract syntax tree for that term is obtained by: 1. generating ...
Task How to pretty-print a grammar. Description A grammar can be pretty-printed (to plain text, html, or latex) using the GPP package in the following way: 1. Parse ...
implodePT is part of the pt-support package. It implodes an AsFix2ME parse tree to an abstract syntax tree. See AsFix for an example and more information on the AsFix ...
Global architecture of JJForester: : Ellipses are tools. Shaded boxes are generated code. JJForester takes a grammar ...
Description The tool pack-koala packs the Koala component and interface definitions and produces a parse tree for the complete Koala specification. Example ATTACHURL ...
Tools STARTINCLUDE ambtracker display the productions in a parse tree causing ambiguities implodePT implodes an AsFix2ME parse tree to an abstact syntax tree unparsePT ...
unparsePT is a tool that transforms parse trees in the AsFix2ME format to the flat text the parse tree represents. Main.MartinBravenboer 22 Apr 2004
Name visamb display the ambiguities in a parse tree represented in AsFix2 Synopsis Description The SDF2 implementation caters for arbitrary context-free grammars ...

Number of topics: 14
Results from Transform web
Colm: COmputer Language Manipulation Homepage: Colm is a programming language designed for the analysis and transformation of computer ...
Several papers covering ways of implementing DSLs are discussed in the DSLAnnotatedBibliography. This page contains several DSLBibliographyAdditions presenting implementation ...
Bali Bali generate from a single grammar specification: lexical analyzer (JLex) parser (CUP) class hierarchies for tree nodes, including unparsing methods (pretty ...
Program transformation systems for Java programs (that is, Java is the object language) usually operate on an abstract syntax representation of the Java source code ...
JavaCC LL(1) parser generator producing Java code SableCC LALR parser generator. Generates parse tree and abstract syntax tree classes as well. CUP LALR parser ...
Homepage: a parser generator system built upon Sun Microsystems JavaCC tool and the PurdueUniversity Java Tree Builder ...
A parse tree is a tree representation of the result of parsing a list of characters. A real parse tree contains the full inputstream. It then allows a yield operation ...
TransformationSystems usually work on tree of graph structured ProgramRepresentations. A parser analyzes the syntactic structure of a program text and produces a structured ...
Contact Arne de Bruijn Martin Bravenboer Topics Progress Testing Programs Documents Links Ideas Progress ...

Number of topics: 9