Searched: ASF[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
Transform.ASF is the abbreviation of the Algebraic Specification Formalism developed at Transform.CWI and the University of Amsterdam. The formalism is used in combination ...
ASF+SDF is rewriting language with user-defined term syntax and support for tree traversals. It is used for SoftwareRenovation and rapid prototyping of DomainSpecificLanguages ...
A tool suite to support the development of specifications written in the ASFandSDF formalism. It includes parser and parser generator a structure editor an interpreter ...
Industrial Applications of ASF SDF MarkVanDenBrand, ArieVanDeursen, PaulKlint, S. Klusener and E. A. van der Meulen. Industrial Applications of ASF+SDF. I n M. Wirsing ...
Object-oriented Tree Traversal with Tools.JJForester TobiasKuipers, JoostVisser Abstract We want to use the advanced language processing technology available in the ...
Name of the workshop on Rule Based Programming (RULE) Associated with PPDP The goals of the workshop The rule-based programming paradigm is characterized by the repeated ...
Searching the wiki is done using regular expressions. See man perlre for the syntax. Searching is case insensitive, so searching for 'asf' finds 'ASF', 'Asf' and ...
Description The Asf+Sdf meta-environment has been used as a platform for program transformation geared towards SoftwareRenovation. The basic idea is to generate default ...
2002 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Rule-Based Programming Workshop Program Satellite event of PLI'02 Saturday, October 5, 2002 Pittsburgh, USA http://www.program-transformation ...

Number of topics: 9