A Quick Introduction to SDF by Joost Visser and Jeroen Scheerder Abstract This paper is intended for first time users. It contains motivation for using SDF with LR ...
Main.LeonMoonen asked me what the difference is between lexical and context-free FollowRestrictions in SDF2. Here follows my response. (Unfortunately it is in dutch ...
Full bibliography of SDF CWI SEN1 publications Syntax Definition and Parsing publications in the list of publications by Eelco Visser Language Filters For Scannerless ...
A Quick Introduction to SDF by Joost Visser and Jeroen Scheerder Abstract This paper is intended for first time users. It contains motivation for using SDF with LR ...
Main.LeonMoonen asked me what the difference is between lexical and context-free FollowRestrictions in SDF2. Here follows my response. (Unfortunately it is in dutch ...
Full bibliography of SDF CWI SEN1 publications Syntax Definition and Parsing publications in the list of publications by Eelco Visser Language Filters For Scannerless ...
2004-02-25 Nemerle is a new hybrid (functional, object-oriented and imperative) programming language for the .NET platform. Key features of the language include: ...
Building Documentation Generators ArieVanDeursen, TobiasKuipers. In Proceedings International Conference on Software Maintenance ( ICSM 99). IEEE Computer Society ...
FactsExtraction is the first step of a ReverseEngineering or ReEngineering effort. An extractor (a.k.a. parser or analyzer) processes the LegacySystem's artifacts ...
Description An island grammar only precisely defines small portions of the syntax of a language. The rest of the syntax is defined imprecisely, for instance as a ...
The SEN1 research group at CWI works on the following SoftwareRenovation topics: DocumentationGeneration for COBOL systems ArchitectureExtraction Type inferencing ...
2004-02-25 Nemerle is a new hybrid (functional, object-oriented and imperative) programming language for the .NET platform. Key features of the language include: ...