At PEPM'10, we will have a video talk premiering new movie processing technology that a team at the University of Kansas is developing based on applicative functors ...
MODELS and GPCE registration Registration is live now! Advance registration is possible until August 31, 2009. Click here to go to the actual registration page. The ...
Program Chairs Kristoffer Rose (Two Sigma Investments, LLC, USA) Janis Voigtl nder (University of Bonn, Germany) Program Committee Members Bertram Felgenhauer (University ...
At PEPM'10, we will have a video talk premiering new movie processing technology that a team at the University of Kansas is developing based on applicative functors ...
Call For Papers ACM SIGPLAN 2007 Workshop on PARTIAL EVALUATION AND PROGRAM MANIPULATION (PEPM'07) Nice, France January 15-16, 2007 (Co-located with POPL 2007) http ...
Program Chairs G. Ramalingam (Microsoft Research India) Eelco Visser (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) Program Committee Members Ras Bodik (University ...
Kenichi Asai (Ochanomizu University, Japan) John Hatcliff (Kansas State University, USA) Michael Leuschel (University of D sseldorf, Germany) Annie Liu (State University ...
At PEPM'10, we will have a video talk premiering new movie processing technology that a team at the University of Kansas is developing based on applicative functors ...
At PEPM'10, we will have a video talk premiering new movie processing technology that a team at the University of Kansas is developing based on applicative functors ...
At PEPM'10, we will have a video talk premiering new movie processing technology that a team at the University of Kansas is developing based on applicative functors ...
Program Chairs Elvira Albert (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain) Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) Program Committee Members Marķa Alpuente (Technical ...
At PEPM'10, we will have a video talk premiering new movie processing technology that a team at the University of Kansas is developing based on applicative functors ...
At PEPM'10, we will have a video talk premiering new movie processing technology that a team at the University of Kansas is developing based on applicative functors ...
Delft University of Technology The Program Transformation project of the Software Engineering Research Group at the Delft University of Technology takes care of most ...
History of PC based C-compilers Originally, there were Lattice C (the big gun), Wizard, Datalight, Ecosoft, DeSmet, Mix, Whitesmiths, BDS C, Manx Aztec C, and another ...
McGill's "Dava" Java Decompiler TOC Dava tests The Sable group at McGill University, under the leadership of Professor Laurie Hendren, are working on a framework ...
Lua the Programming Language Lua is a powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. Lua is also frequently used as a general-purpose ...
Abstract In an idealized world, researchers work together to incrementally build an edifice of knowledge, and to disseminate this knowledge in accesible and usable ...
International Static Analysis Symposium Description Static Analysis is increasingly recognized as a fundamental tool for high performance implementations and verification ...
Conferences and Workshops on Program Transformation Transform-based Events Events with their home page on this wiki. Feel free to use this wiki to host the webpage ...
The meeting will be held in London Venue: Imperial College, London Time: Monday, February 27 to Friday, March 2 until lunch. Local organizer: Susan Eisenbach Accommodation ...