Searched: Cpp *Fact *Extractors[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
C++ is an object-oriented extension of CProgrammingLanguage. Transformation of C++ programs is supported by AcaCia / CIAO OpenCpp Stratego.CodeBoost DMSSoftwareReengineeringToolkit ...
Columbus/CAN is a reverse engineering tool devloped by FrontEndART. It is available as a free download. The system extracts C++ (ISO/IEC standard C++, Microsoft and ...
CPPX is a free, open source fact extractor for C++. It is build on top of GNU g++, and produces a graph according to the Datrix fact model, in either GXL, TA, or VCG ...
FactsExtraction is the first step of a ReverseEngineering or ReEngineering effort. An extractor (a.k.a. parser or analyzer) processes the LegacySystem's artifacts ...
TkSeeSN is a C/C++ extractor with TA++ and GXL output. It is based on SourceNavigator.
vacppparse is the C++ extractor of the RigiSystem. It is based on IBM VisualAge C++. (It runs under AIX only?)
YAXX an extension to YACC grammar parser Bison, capable of output syntax tree into an XML document and its corresponding DTD rules. ...

Number of topics: 7