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Results from Tiger web
The TAS2IR component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerTrans package translates TigerAbstractSyntax trees to IntermediateRepresentation. TAS2IR.r The following module ...
TAS-Format checks TigerAbstractSyntax trees for well-formedness. It is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. The module below defines ...
TAS-Format is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. It checks typed TigerAbstractSyntax trees for well-formedness. The module ...
The signature of abstract syntax of Tiger is derived automatically from the definition of the TigerSyntax. The signature is part of the TigerFront package. Tiger INCLUDE ...
Hpc.TigerAbstractSyntaxFormat (Tiger-Abstract-Syntax-Format) is a format checker for Tiger abstract terms. It traverses a given term to see if it conforms to the desugared ...
TigerCanonicalize is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerOpt package that normalizes TigerAbstractSyntax trees such that expression do not contain side effects ...
The Tiger compiler compiles Tiger programs to MIPS assembly code, which can be simulated by the Simulator. The compiler is the main product of the Tiger in Stratego ...
Tiger-Desugar is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. The component desugars TigerAbstractSyntax trees by representing binary operators generacilly ...
TigerEnsugar is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. See TigerDesugar for a description. CompilerComponent
Tiger-Eval is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. It defines an interpreter for Tiger programs in TigerAbstractSyntax format. ...
The TigerFront package provides the front-end of the TigerCompiler consisting of the following components: TigerSyntax TigerAbstractSyntax TigerDesugar TigerEnsugar ...
Make rules for the components in the TigerFront package. make-rules.tiger-front INCLUDE{""} Main ...
Tiger is the example programming language used in Transform.AndrewAppel's textbook on Transform.ModernCompilerImplementationInML. Language features data types integers ...
The TigerOpt package provides the front-end of the TigerCompiler consisting of the following components: TigerOptimize TigerCanonicalize OptimizerArchitecture shows ...
TigerOptimize is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerOpt package. The component applies various Transform.ProgramOptimizations at the level of TigerAbstractSyntax ...
The Tools.PrettyPrintTable below defines rules for pretty-printing TigerAbstractSyntax trees to text. The tables are part of the TigerFront package. Tiger-pretty.pp ...
Tiger-Rename is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. It renames bound variables to a unique name such that no two variables declared in different ...
The syntax definition of Tiger in the syntax definition formalism Tools.SDF. The syntax definition is part of the TigerFront package. A parse table is generated from ...
The to IR package specifies the translation from TigerAbstractSyntax to IntermediateRepresentation. TigerVarEscapes: escaping variables analysis TAS2IR: translation ...
The TigerTrans package has been split up into three packages: containing the definition of IntermediateRepresentation and IRCanonicalize to IR translation from Tiger ...
Tiger-Typecheck checks TigerAbstractSyntax trees for well-typedness and annotates variables with their types. It is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront ...
Tiger-Types.r INCLUDE{""} Main.EelcoVisser 04 Dec 2001
TigerVarEscapes is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerTrans package. The component transforms programs in TigerAbstractSyntax format such that all variable ...
The TigerXML package provides an extension of the language with embedded XML syntax and a preprocessor, which translates Tiger programs with XML elements to plain ...
The TigerXmpl package provides a directory with example Tiger programs and a makefile for testing the various TigerCompiler components. The makefile imports make-rules ...
Make exercises 7.1 and 7.2 from ModernCompilerImplementation. In addition to translating the expressions to IntermediateRepresentation expressions also translate them ...
See TranslateExpressionsToIntermediateRepresentation
Implement translation of TigerAbstractSyntax expressions to IntermediateRepresentation code in module TAS2IR in the TigerTrans package. The TigerTrans package contains ...

Number of topics: 28