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Searched: Gnu *General *Public *License[^A-Za-z]
Results from TWiki web
TOC STARTINCLUDE #FileSystem # Appendix A: TWiki Filesystem Annotated directory and file listings, for the 01-Sep-2004 TWiki production release. Who and What is This ...
FAQ: TWiki has a GPL (GNU General Public License). What is GPL? Answer: TWiki is distributed under the GNU General Public License, see TWikiDownload. GPL is one of ...
FAQ: I would like to install TWiki on my server. Can I get the source? Answer: TWiki is distributed under the GnuGeneralPublicLicense. You can get the source from ...
TOC STARTINCLUDE # TWiki::Func Module Documentation Official list of stable TWiki functions for Plugin developers Description This module defines official funtions ...
TWiki is a Web-based collaboration platform A TWiki site is an easy-to-use, full-featured open communications environment: people anywhere on the Web or on an intranet ...
Welcome to TWiki: a flexible, powerful, secure, yet simple web-based collaboration platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document management system ...

Number of topics: 6