Searched: Quoted *Constructors[^A-Za-z]
Results from Stratego web
Quoted constructors are constructor names with double quotes as in "a very long constructor"(A, B) This feature is available from StrategoXT 0.13.
Issues closed and resolved in StrategoXT 0.12 Bug STR-90 sdf2rtg (or maybe just pp-rtg) does not support quoted constructors STR-96 Generic application of dynamic ...
Issues for StrategoXT 0.13. Bug STR-25 Appl/2 or Cons/0 is a reserved term? STR-127 ambiguity for negative numbers following colon in rules(..) STR-130 dr old uses ...
Release Notes Stratego/XT Version 0.16 (Stratego Core Compiler) Bug STR-14 Scoping problem at higher optimization levels STR-15 strc doesn't work if invoked with ...
Release Notes Stratego/XT Version 0.16M1 (bugs in 0.15) Bug STR-85 Sloppy variable-scope in let-strategies STR-145 Shared libraries are not shared at Cygwin: static ...

Number of topics: 5